minus.eins develop and produce theater projects, festivals, installations in virtual reality environments and combine real and digital worlds in artistic live streams. They developed the virtual theater series “Das HOUSE”, which was invited to the first “Digital Showcase” of Berlin Theatertreffen 2021. As part of Ars Electronica 2020 they created the online festival “Keplers Gardens” - with over one hundred 3D rooms to accompany the Festival. As part of the Berlin

Theatertreffen 2021, they developed a highly regarded digital version of Christopher Rüping's “Simply the End of the World” and Stefan Bachmann's “Graf Öderland”. Most recently they created the virtual production web series "Pans Lab" at the Nuremberg State Theater.



Next Generation Holodeck – Deepspace and Immersive Interaction Roman Senkl and Nils Corte (minus.eins) will provide a Hands on Tutorial on how to setup a deepspace with the 3D development environment unity and show basic possibilities for interaction with a 6 Degrees of Freedom Tracking System. We will introduce a simple scene creation and projection setup, and discuss artistic possibilities of different setups.


duration : 11:00 - 17:00




- Bio in brief, 300 words

- Deadline September 26, 18:00

- Please bring personal laptops and install program unity version 2021.3.8f1

- Please send information to following mail tia@tbilisiinternational.com

  • Available spots for 15 persons

VENUE: Marjanishvili Theatre (Small Stage)

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