Tbilisi International Festival of Theatre announces the call for participation  -  September 19 - October 6, 2019, Tbilisi, Georgia .
Program New this year returns with the main purpose to present the diversity of performing arts in Tbilisi (music, theatre, circus, dance and street art…)
Program NEW was presented to the Georgian audience as a part of International Program with an aim to attract new to international scene and emerging artists, to challenge the audience with different forms and disciples of contemporary arts and the same time to encourage artists from all around the world.
With numerous suggestions from different companies NEW  is getting more popular from year to year.
Since its first days, every edition and its artist make the idea of NEW successful.
NEW  hosted great companies and artists from Israel, Poland, Lithuania, Argentina, Romania, Germany, Finland, Russia, India, Denmark, Slovenia, Armenia, South Korea, Azerbaijan, Norway, Hungary, Sweden.
So, this is announcement for participation in program. Theatre, Circus, Dance, Street Art, Installation and Digital artists and their companies are invited to discover Georgia, meet the most magical audience and promote their work internationally!

We also would like to inform you that this year, the festival will announce special prizes for the companies:

The Special Prize of  Georgian Theatre Critics Association and 
“Caucasian Business week” newspaper special Prize
Have a look at CONDITIONS for participation!
The Deadline for call of applications - April 15, 2019
The program is based on selection; 
The organizers will select productions of official invitations and a certain number of productions as fringe productions, for which applicants can bring their productions at their own expense.
Selected performances will be announced by e-mail not later than April 25, 2019

For selected participants festival provides following:
- Venue and technical support
- General publicity
- Accommodation during the stay
- Airport transfers
- Per-diems (25 USD per person per day)
Please take into consideration following points:
 - The set-up day and performance day will be appointed by the festival and it varies from 2 to 3 days, accommodation is set accordingly;
 - TBS international does not cover your travel costs and does not provide an artistic fee.

How to apply:
- We receive online application forms only.
- Please send filled application form together full DVD record of performance on vimeo and the requested appendixes to: new@tbilisiinternational.com  (Download The Application Form)
Tinatin Kalatozishvili
International Program “NEW” Coordinator
8 Marjanishvili Street  | Tbilisi 0102, Georgia
Tel: + 995 322 95 35 82
Cell: +995 597 51 07 57
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